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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Configuration Network for Virtual Machine - VirtualBox

Before you can remote to virtual linux server you must configure network properly. Today I will illustrate how to configure network for your linux server to install Oracle database.

Open "Setting" window and select "Network" on the left panel. In my post I will add to virtual linux server 2 Network Adapter:
a) NAT: this network adapter is used to go out and access Internet. It has dynamic IP.

b) Host Only: this network adapter is use to configure static IP. And it is use to remote your linux server.

Click Start icon on toolbar to power on your linux server and login as root user. The above steps only add network adapters to server. You must set static IP. 
c) NAT: select eth0 and configure as below:

d) Host Only: select eth1 and configure static IP so that linux server is in the same VLAN as your labtop/PC:

Restart the network service and check IP, network;

Remote your Linux server using Putty(download page putty.exe):

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